Sometimes it’s the unplanned moments in life that turn out to be the most magical and I believe that’s the same with photography
I’ve found myself recently capturing the more relaxed moments of a shoot that I wouldn’t have previously done- such as when we are simply walking and talking, gathering everyone together and heading towards ‘the spot’ I plan to shoot at next.
I’ve found it brings out such a relaxed vibe to an image, so much interest, and can show the dynamics and personality of a family to well, especially with extended family sessions like this one I recently had with the beautiful @withlovelaurenelle and her incredible family
#kentfamilyphotographer #candidfamilymoments #relaxedfamilyphotography #canterburyfamilyphotographer #ashfordfamilyphotographer #neautraltones #layers #familytime #familyphotography #jodiedonovanphotography #kentfamily #thingstodoinkent
