Now that it’s time to pack my own hospital bag, and that the majority of my clients are mums to be, I thought I might as well share what’s in my hospital bag, as well as see if there is anything else you would pack too! Especially if there was anything you found to be a real game changer (as I hear Spritz for bits really is )
So here is what I have;
For Mum; Bridget Jones knickers! The type I don’t mind throwing after one use! Maternity pads- the bigger and more cushion like, the better Comfy, dark coloured pyjamas Nursing bra and top Socks (because I always have cold feet) Nipple cream Nursing bra Wet wipes Hair brush and Hair bands Breastpads Shampoo and conditioner Slippers Spritz for bits Dry shampoo Toothbrush and toothpaste Lip balm Deodorant Water bottle Coming home outfit
For baby; Nappies Cotton wool balls Water wipes Emergency formula just incase (I fully intend to breastfeed but just incase I’m out of action for any reason I think it’s important Paul has these- they come readily sterilised in individual pockets) I’m also hoping to start colostrum harvesting this week as another option for him too Nappy cream Dummies (I’ll hope to delay the use of them but it’s inevitable) Short vest baby grows Long baby grows Hats Scratch mittens Coming home outfit Socks Car seat Blankets Muslins Set of 0-3 month clothing incase he’s a chunk
For Daddy; Phone charger Snacks iPad with films and music playlists downloaded
Extras; Gifts for Summer from baby Cash for vending machines Hand sanitiser Dark towel
Is there anything my ‘baby brain’ is forgetting or anything else you would suggest- if so leave me a comment below
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