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Writer's pictureJodie Donovan

Our babies are precious, strong and amazing but also very delicate little things..

It is incredibly important to me, as i'm sure you already know, that the safety of your newborn photography session is my absolute number one priority. And with that, I don't only mean the physical posing of their tiny bodies and safety of their circulation and airways at all times but also the hygiene of that session too. After every newborn session I ensure I wipe down every prop and wash every material used.

Im sure you've all seen how dangerous even a coldsore can be to a newborn baby, and that is why I have a sickness policy in place, to protect you, your baby and family and also myself and mine. I do a number of sessions each week with a range of children. It is is important that you tell me of any contagious illness, virus or infection they may currently have or have had recently. I NEED to protect my clients. Likewise if I have been ill, I will always postpone your session if needed, which is only in your best interests. I follow the NHS advice for treating children and how long they should be kept away from schools and nursery with an illness but I also add a little bit of extra time to be extra safe with anything infectious- here is a great link I use;…/health…/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/ Also- How gorgeous is this colour? Pretty perfect model too :)

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